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Welcome to the ISVD'07 page!

The 4th ISVD International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering will take place at the University of Glamorgan, Wales, UK, from the 9th to the 11th of July 2007. It is a continuation of the three previous ones held in Tokyo, Japan (2004), Seoul, Korea (2005) and Banff, Canada (2006).

The Symposium was started because of the pressing demand for an international forum devoted exclusively to one of the most versatile and fascinating data structures in Computational Geometry - the Voronoi diagram, and due to the renewed interest in this area from many applied as well as fundamental sciences. It was intended and it has become an interdisciplinary forum for leading researchers to present the latest developments and applications of the Voronoi diagrams, to discuss cutting-edge techniques, to exchange research ideas and to promote international collaboration in this field. Key topics for the Symposium are:

  1. Theoretical aspects of Voronoi diagrams
  2. Computational and implementation aspects of Voronoi diagrams
  3. Generalization of Voronoi diagrams
  4. Voronoi Art
  5. Applications of the Voronoi/Delaunay methodology to other areas
ISVD'07 Proceedings with be published by IEEE Computer Society.

Категорія: Статті(Англійська мова) | Додав: fond_voronogo (24.03.2011)
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