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ISVD 2006

The 3rd International SYMPOSIUM
July 2 - 5, 2006
Banff International Center, Banff, Alberta, Canada  

and Applied Computational Geometry Forum,
University of Calgary, AB, Canada, July 6th, 2006

The 3rd International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering (ISVD 2006) is a premium international event hosting scientists working in the area of Voronoi Diagram and their applications in math, physics, chemistry, geography, biometrics, GIS, bioinformatics,  robotics, aerospace industry, visualization, computational science,  as well as many areas of computer science and engineering. The two preceding events were held in Tokyo, Japan (VD 2004) and in Seoul, Korea (VD 2005). 

The goal of the International Conferences on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering is to concentrate specifically on unique aspects of the research into the Voronoi diagrams and on practical applications of this research in engineering, VLSI design, robotics, communication, geomatics, GIS, biometrics, urban planning, medicine, bioinformatics, high-performance computing, physics, chemistry and other applications.

A link between mathematical notations and artistic expression finds its way through the Voronoi Art. The First Voronoi Art Symposium took place in Seoul, Korea in October 2005. This year event accepts submissions of Voronoi art works and will showcase separately artistic drawings and interpretations of the Voronoi concept.

Категорія: Статті(Англійська мова) | Додав: fond_voronogo (24.03.2011)
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