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     Next year 2008, in September  22-28,  the fourth   Voronoї conference  is planned to be organized in Kyiv. This will be a joint  conference of the 5th  Annual International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams (ISVD08) and the 4th International Conference on Analytic Number Theory and Spatial Tessellations held in Kyiv. As 2008 is a memorial year for Georgiy Voronoї (1868-1908), the joint conference will take place on his  native land.

     G.Voronoї worked mainly in the field of Number Theory. His scientific publications started several new directions of research in analytic number theory, algebraic number theory, theory of functions. His investigations of perfect forms were a significant contribution to the theory of quadratic forms and greatly stimulated research in this field of pure mathematics. All these studies have been continued up to now. He essentially contributed to  geometry of numbers, a field introduced by H.Minkowski. The principal Voronoї’s ideas, especially the results of his last paper "Recherches sur les paralleloedres primitifs", J. reine angew. Math., vol.133-134 (1907-08), appeared to be fruitful and now are used in many branches of science, especially  in the last thirty years due to development of the modern fields of science: computation geometry, image recognition, artificial intelligence, motion analysis, navigation and obstacle avoidance,   ecology, molecular biology, physics, cosmology, chemical engineering, material science, terrain modelling, etc., and the usage of "Voronoi diagrams" in all these and many other domains. 

      The Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine together with some other scientific and educational institutions of Ukraine organized  three International Voronoї Conferences (1993, 1998, 2003) in Kyiv devoted to the influence of Voronoї scientific work on the development of modern science. One can become acquainted with the their topics on Web pages: 
      The topics of Kyiv conferences are related to the all research areas where Voronoї made his contribution.
      Since 2004 the annual  International Symposiums  on Voronoi Diagrams (ISVD) are held in different countries of the world: Japan ( ISVD04, Tokyo, 2004), Korea (ISVD05, Seoul, 2005,  organized by the Voronoi Diagram Research Center in Seoul), Canada (ISVD06, Calgary, 2006), United Kingdom (ISVD07, Glamorgan, 2007). The relevant information may be found in the web:
     The goal of the announced conference is to exchange ideas among different disciplines and different fields of science and engineering in the field of Voronoi diagrams and in domains of pure mathematics concerning the topics studied by Voronoї, and thus to stimulate research activities in all these fields. The topics of this Kyiv conference are related to the all research areas where Voronoї made his contribution. 

     This time the conference will be organized on the base of Drahomanov National Pedagogical University of Ukraine. The local organizing committee will make all efforts that you could enjoy your stay in Kyiv.

If you would like to receive further information, please, e-mail us as soon as possible but not later than  March,15 and, please, indicate the section of  your interest.

Conference e-mail:  voronoi@imath.kiev.ua
Категорія: Статті(Англійська мова) | Додав: fond_voronogo (24.03.2011)
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