Георгія Вороного

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Short biography of G.Voronoi (p3)

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Early death of Georgy Voronoi struck everybody who knew him. In the obituary professor I.Braitsev wrote:


"Nobody could believe that Georgy Feodosiyovych, who was highly respected

and loved by everybody, had died. Something extraordinary had happened ─ such was the general feeling. Everybody realized that they had prematurely lost an outstanding scientist, renowned professor who had been a pride and an adornment of two higher schools in Warsaw... Seeing off the deceased's remains to the railway station for carrying them to the place of burial in the village of Zhuravka, everybody was grieved the more so because they had forever lost a truthful, sympathetic and warm-hearted man...”


At the same time I.Braitsev expressed his deep regret that Voronoi succeeded to set forth on paper only a very small part of the immense work from the theory of indefinite quadratic forms.


"Hardly can we hope to recreate from them at least in part those sophisticated trains of geometrical thought was mentioned in the diary algorithm, of which the

deceased always spoke with great inspiration and enthusiasm. For having it done it is not enough to know in general outline those directions which the deceased followed, it is necessary to be such a brilliant expert in the theory of quadratic forms with n-variables as he was, it is necessary to wield the marvelous technique which the deceased mastered at the end of his life, and it is also necessary to be so staunchly devoted to this branch of mathematics as he was.”


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Georgy Voronoi's body, according to his last will, was transported to Zhuravka, to his native land. G.Voronoi was embalmed and lay in a specially built crypt. Later on, in 1910, Feodosii Voronyi, his father was buried in this crypt.


In 1932, at the period of struggle against well-to-do peasants [so-called "kulaky"]  in the Soviet Union, this crypt was destroyed. The peasants reburied the remains of Georgy Voronoi and his father nearby in the common grave.


Old people in Zhuravka recall some episodes of these sad events. They remember that the trees of a luxuriant garden which was grown by Feodosii Voronyi were cut.  " There were apple trees of many kinds, no more such trees grew in Zhuravka after. ─ one old resident relates, ─  They were blossoming so fragrantly, that one

could have a headache. Voronyis were very diligent people. G.Voronoi's wife was a small woman and very quick. One could always see her hurry along a village street ─ to give medical care to the people.[Olha Mytrophanivna was a midwife. When being in Zhuravka she treated peasants free of charge. Her brother, Borys Mytrophanovich Krytsky, was a well-known physician in Pryluky region]. On Christmas eve they put up a large Christmas tree for all the children in Zhuravka"...


The family had to leave the village at night ─ it was dangerous to remain there. They did not return to their native place anymore...


The further destiny of the family was rather grievous in the years of the communist great terror.


Georgy Voronoi had six children. One of his daughters died in childhood.


The eldest daughter, Oleksandra, was educated at the Women's courses of higher level, then she taught at the special institute for advanced studies of Ukrainian leaders. [so-called "ФОН" (in Russian ─ faculty of a special purpose)]. She also published articles on Ukrainian literature. Her husband, Kostantyn Polubotko, was a research worker. In 1937 he was arrested and exiled to the North, to Ohotske sea and had to work as a fisherman. He died there in three years. Oleksandra died in an invalid house.

The eldest son, Oleksander, was a physician. He believed that an electrical current in a human body, operated by the definite manner, could ruin cancer cells. He succeeded to cure some kinds of tumours (mainly in the stomach). In 1938 he was arrested and did not return from a hard labour camp.


The youngest son, Yuri, was a surgeon. He is the first person in the world who accomplished transplantation of a human organ (1933). The transplanted kidney was functioning for two days. He could not continue his work in an oppressive political atmosphere which prevailed in the country.


The younger daughter, Maria, was a school teacher.  Her husband, Vasyl Vasylenko, was a veterinary surgeon. In 1937 he was proposed by secret police to become an informer and inform on his colleagues. He rejected the proposal and was sentenced to death. Later on Maria was arrested too and sentenced to ten years  of the camp of special regime in the  Far East.


The youngest daughter, Olena, became a dentist.


Georgy Voronoi's children saved the papers, note-books of the mathematical diary, and other documents belonged to G.Voronoi and gave everything to the National Library of Ukraine, to its Institute of Manuscripts where they are kept now.


In 1952-1953, the Complete Works of G.Voronoi (in three volumes) were published by the Institute of Mathematics of Ukraine.


 Published in:  Voronoi's Impact on Modern Science, ─ Inst. of Mathematics Nat. Acad. Sci. Ukraine, Kyiv, 1998..

Категорія: Статті(Англійська мова) | Додав: fond_voronogo (17.03.2011)
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